Monday, March 17, 2008

Research Essay Topic II

New topic for the research essay. Because communists beat college any day, I will now be doing my paper on Che Guevara, the socialist revolutionary who was in cahoots with Castro to overthrow Batista back in the 50s. He was executed in Bolivia only twenty years later, but I've begun to notice him everywhere. You can find his face on anything-- shirts, bags, even shoes-- and I'd like to know why. How has a Cuban revolutionary become so popular among the rather self-centered youth of a democratic country? Do the people sporting Che have any idea who he was, or is he recognized simply as in image of dissent and social rebellion?

It should be interesting. When searching him online, I found a twist on the traditional Che-wear, a T-shirt with his face bordered by text that states, "I have no idea who this guy is." Where, then, is his appeal? Is it in the photograph itself? There are a lot of different ways I could take this.