Sunday, May 4, 2008

Myself, the iPod incompetant

Nate has finally left me and my iPod alone, which I can only assume means he's given up. Himself being an iPod expert, it seemed only natural that he would help me transition into this new world of iPod-ownership. Well, not an entirely new world. A few years ago I used the money from a photo/writing contest I'd won to buy the now-ancient, then-new "only a little thicker than a pack of gum!" iPod shuffle.
What? You don't know what I'm talking about? Oh well. Being able to think of nothing else I could want for my birthday this year, I requested an iPod nano, which I pretended to be a little surprised to receive. And it is lovely. Far thinner than a pack of gum (maybe the height equivalent of two sticks stacked), it holds one thousand times as many songs, has a beautiful 5 by 8 cm screen, and is pink to boot. And I have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
Put songs on it! Lucas said. Upload videos! Why, he'd even let me rip some of his MythBusters episodes! What an honor. But I declined, restating the imperativeness of my at least coming close to finishing this blog. Of course this didn't work, and gorgeous little Daisy (Hey, they asked me to name it!) is out about a hundredth of her memory due to the addition of a whopping 189 songs.
That was when I told Nate he absolutely had to go. Songs actually transfer pretty quickly, but they seem to slow everything else down the in process, and I'm already sleep-deprived. Thankfully, he left without too much of a fight, although I think he's disappointed in me. The iPod wasn't his idea or paid for with his money, but he appears personally offended that I haven't tried to upload our entire DVD collection or asked him to explain every nuance of the amazingness that is the nano.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am jealous of your ipod. In all of my life, I have dreamed of owning my own awesome ipod. I don't even care if it's an old one! But, as pathetic as I am, I cannot bring myself to pay over 100 dollars for something that is not necessary. The contradiction is: I LOVE music! I almost love music more than clothes, but instead, I spend my money on an unnecessary amount of clothes. :( I cannot imagine you not knowing what to do with an ipod. While I, can only wait for the day I get the courage to finally buy an ipod for myself. That will be the day...